Our logo, a skull with flowers, is not meant to portray death or bring about negative thoughts in any way. To us, our skulls are just as much a part of us as our skin and the color of our eyes. Our bones are the foundation of our being; they have to stay strong if we want to live our lives to the fullest. Living life is hard. We are always against the odds. Daily we fight against a million things that could go wrong at any moment, causing pain, whether it be physical or mental.

Every moment that passes is gone, done with, it dies. We are constantly changing and evolving into the person that our decisions lead us to be. To us, a skull with flowers portrays our own lives. Every second is a rebirth. At times though, we may feel cold and naked, and maybe dying (or at least not living) is the best option we have. But we need to remind ourselves that the rain will end, the sun will come up, and flowers will bloom again.